Ten Years Ten Memories: The Dragon Walks in HK
Ten Years Ten Memories is a special initiative organized by Muse College, CUHK(SZ) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the university. It aims to promote communication and collaboration between Muse College and the various colleges of CUHK. Through joint efforts in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong, at least ten interactive activities will be held, covering five main categories: Urban Exploration, Arts and Sports, Public Service, History and Culture, and Embracing Nature. These activities seek to promote the understanding of the Greater Bay Area, and deepen the awareness of the trend of "Shenzhen-Hong Kong twin cities, win-win in the Greater Bay Area" among students and faculty members from both campuses.
In this episode of Ten Years Ten Memories, we will embark on a two-day journey of “the dragon walks in Hong Kong” including visiting CUHK campus, the Museum of Jockey Club Climate Change, CUHK, savoring delicacies on campus, engaging in discussions with polar scientists, paying a visit to the "Dragon of China" - the Xuelong polar research vessel on the second day. Let us set off this adventure together, seeking, exploring, and experiencing the unique charm of that pristine and azure land!
10 April, 2024 - 11 April, 2024
10 Apr: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
11 Apr: 9:45 am - 11:00 am
+86 (0755) 8427 3960