Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) sings at CUHK United College Choir Annual Concert

March 22, 2024

6. Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) Singing at the United College Choir Annual Concert 1
6. Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) Singing at the United College Choir Annual Concert 2
6. Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) Singing at the United College Choir Annual Concert 3
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6. Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) Singing at the United College Choir Annual Concert 1
6. Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) Singing at the United College Choir Annual Concert 2
6. Diligentia Choir of CUHK(SZ) Singing at the United College Choir Annual Concert 3
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The United College Choir Annual Concert was held on 22 March, 2024 at 7:30pm in the Lee Hysan Concert Hall at CUHK. Approximately 200 guests attended and enjoyed an elegant and musical evening.

United College had the honour of inviting the Diligentia Choir from CUHK(SZ) to join the UC students on stage. The Diligentia Choir performed two songs exclusively – “The Boundless Sea and Sky (海闊天空)” and “Give Me A Pair of Wings (給我一雙翅膀)”, then later collaborated with the UC Choir and UC Choir Alumni to sing “Best Day of My Life” towards the end of the concert.

The concert was a resounding success, and United College hopes to establish further musical exchange in diverse forms with Diligentia College in the future.

