Renowned Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2013), Professor Arieh Warshel, visited the Faculty of Science, CUHK on 3 November, 2023 as part of the Science Faculty 60th Anniversary celebrations. Professor Warshel is Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at University of Southern California, Distinguished Professor and Director of Warshel Institute for Computational Biology at CUHK(SZ). During his visit, Professor Warshel delivered a Science Faculty 60th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture entitled “From Kibbutz Fish Ponds to The Nobel Prize”. The Faculty was honoured to have Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, delivering the opening remarks for the lecture. Professor Warshel also had the opportunity to exchange ideas with Faculty’s esteemed computational biology and chemistry research teams, and engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue with research postgraduate students.
CUHK Science Faculty 60th Anniversary Distinguished Science Lecture – Professor Arieh Warshel from CUHK(SZ)
November 03, 2023