CUHK(SZ) staff joins HKSSA Annual Professional Dialogue – Leadership in the Time of Crisis at CUHK

12月 17日, 2024年

Professor Alan Chan (first on the right), Provost, CUHK, Professor Ko Wing-hung (second from the left), University Dean of Students, CUHK, and Ms. Elaine Tam (second from the right), Director, Office of Student Affairs Office, CUHK, present a commemorative gift to Ms. Marjorie Yang (third from the right), Chairman of Esquel Group
中大常务副校长陈金梁教授(右一) 、中大辅导长高永雄教授(左二)及中大学生事务处处长谭绮琳女士致送纪念品予溢达集团董事长杨敏德女士(右二)
Ms. Marjoie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, shares the company's successful sustainability and innovation initiatives during uncertain times with participants
Ms. Elaine Tam, Director, Office of Student Affairs, CUHK and Ms. Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, address participants' questions
Ms. Bifan Yi, Office of Student Affairs, CUHK(SZ) asks Ms. Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group a question
Nearly a hundred student affairs practitioners from various local universities participated in the event, including 12 colleagues from the Office of Student Affairs, CUHK(SZ)
After the event, colleagues from the Office of Student Affairs, CUHK(SZ) visited the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC), CUHK
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Professor Alan Chan (first on the right), Provost, CUHK, Professor Ko Wing-hung (second from the left), University Dean of Students, CUHK, and Ms. Elaine Tam (second from the right), Director, Office of Student Affairs Office, CUHK, present a commemorative gift to Ms. Marjorie Yang (third from the right), Chairman of Esquel Group
中大常务副校长陈金梁教授(右一) 、中大辅导长高永雄教授(左二)及中大学生事务处处长谭绮琳女士致送纪念品予溢达集团董事长杨敏德女士(右二)
Ms. Marjoie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, shares the company's successful sustainability and innovation initiatives during uncertain times with participants
Ms. Elaine Tam, Director, Office of Student Affairs, CUHK and Ms. Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group, address participants' questions
Ms. Bifan Yi, Office of Student Affairs, CUHK(SZ) asks Ms. Marjorie Yang, Chairman of Esquel Group a question
Nearly a hundred student affairs practitioners from various local universities participated in the event, including 12 colleagues from the Office of Student Affairs, CUHK(SZ)
After the event, colleagues from the Office of Student Affairs, CUHK(SZ) visited the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC), CUHK
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由中大学生事务处与香港学生事务协会(HKSSA) 合办之“年度专业对话-危机时期的领导力”于2024年12月17日顺利举行。约100位来自多所大学的学生事务从业者参加了此次活动,其中包括中大(深圳)学生事务处的12位同事。是次活动特邀了溢达集团董事长杨敏德女士,她分享了公司在面对危机时期,集团如何持续发展,以及领导者坚持创新思维。对谈中,杨女士还探讨了员工的工作态度及面对危机的策略,强调在挑战时期坚韧性和适应能力的重要性。


