Students from S.H. Ho College, CUHK join Harmonia Kaleidoscope: 2024 Company Visit in the Greater Bay Area

July 21, 2024

Teachers, students and staff members of different colleges meet at Harmonia College for an exchange of ideas related to cutting-edge technologies
Teachers, students and staff members of different colleges meet at Harmonia College for an exchange of ideas related to cutting-edge technologies
Visit to China National GeneBank to better understand gene preservation technologies
Visit to China National GeneBank to better understand gene preservation technologies
Visit to Huawei, one of the most renowned enterprises in China
Visit to Huawei, one of the most renowned enterprises in China
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Teachers, students and staff members of different colleges meet at Harmonia College for an exchange of ideas related to cutting-edge technologies
Teachers, students and staff members of different colleges meet at Harmonia College for an exchange of ideas related to cutting-edge technologies
Visit to China National GeneBank to better understand gene preservation technologies
Visit to China National GeneBank to better understand gene preservation technologies
Visit to Huawei, one of the most renowned enterprises in China
Visit to Huawei, one of the most renowned enterprises in China
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From 19 to 21 July, 2024, students from S.H. Ho College, CUHK, participated in the “Harmonia Kaleidoscope: 2024 Company Visit in the Greater Bay Area”, hosted by Harmonia College, CUHK(SZ). A total of 30 students from S.H. Ho College and New Asia College, CUHK; Harmonia College, CUHK(SZ); and Liberal Arts College, Chongqing University, joined this programme, and together they visited many renowned enterprises in Mainland China, including BYD, Huawei, Dajiang, and BGI Genomics.

Students from various cultural backgrounds, learning environments, and academic disciplines had a fruitful exchange of ideas. During the visits, they were exposed to cutting-edge technologies, which broadened their horizons. Notable highlights included gene preservation technology at China National GeneBank and innovative blade battery technology at BYD. Apart from understanding these technological advancements, students also gained deep insights into China’s achievements in scientific research and development. The diverse information students received during the visits also sparked their inspiration to share opinions and ideas. This process of communication, integration and connection was akin to turning a kaleidoscope, where beautiful patterns emerge from multiple perspectives through deconstruction and reconstruction, adding striking details and vibrant colours to the “Harmonia Kaleidoscope” programme.

